Be light yoga and art - the yoga of art and the art of yoga. Inspiration for living your best day ever, every day!
Fine Art, Yoga, and Wellness for living the Be Light Life!
Check back soon for current online and in-person yoga class offerings currently in the works, as well as new paintings! ~October 2023~

Living the Be Light Life - Art, Yoga + Wellness coming soon!
Healthy living, yoga, meditation, natural landscapes, and positive energies and synergies are all sources of Rachele Ciccone’s creative spark and intuition. A native of Rhode Island now living in the beautiful natural landscape of Northeastern Connecticut, Rachele is a proud graduate of the Rhode Island School of Design (2005) with a BFA in Painting and is also a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT-200). She works primarily in oil and watercolor, and safe studio practices are of the utmost concern; she has spent years researching the best and safest ways to practice her art from within her home studio, where she also often takes her work outdoors, as this is also the space where her family plays and creates. All of Rachele’s materials are non-toxic and safe both in application, storage, and disposal; such is a cause near and dear to her heart – healthy paint practices = healthy air = healthy soil =healthy paintings = healthy and happy mama painter and healthy and happy collectors!
Rachele hopes that her work can create a feeling of joy, calm, and peace; her art serves as a campaign for the earth, animals, and the lesser-voiced. She deeply believes that paint conveys her story and her energy. The style of yoga that she teaches and studies goes hand-in-hand with her style of painting – she practices a synchronized vinyasa yoga where the entire class moves in a fluid motion joining one’s breath with the community until the room is filled with a beautiful, bountiful ocean wave of breath that allows the movements to flow seamlessly into a gorgeous meditative state. Rachele’s paintings follow a similar method of application, where meditation and yoga come first and with each breath and each stroke of the brush, a fluid mindfulness-based meditation comes through where the breath guides the way for the painting to come alive. Rachele never plans her paintings, but rather lets the paint flow naturally in a stream-of-consciousness state.
Rachele loves to work both small and large, both representationally and in the abstract. She specializes in large-scale abstracted realities, mixed media work, drawing, sculpture, photography and textile arts, and is also a writer, working on a collection of short stories that are accompanied by her paintings. Yoga and meditation are the prominent features in her current work; her current project is combining her art with her love of yoga, something she is calling “Living the Be Light Life” with a focus on artwork inspired by and for yoga and meditation, highlighting yoga and art classes that she will be offering in the local area as well as online, as well as other inspiration for living a “Be Light Life”.